Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,” “Turn off the lights when you leave a room,” “Time yourself in the shower so that you don’t waste water,” “Go Green!” and all the rest.  You all have heard these before and more.   However, after a long day at the office or a stupid hard dilemma faces us, we tend to forget and ignore these little things.
It bothers me when people leave the lights on for no reason.  It bothers me when people leave water running for no reason.  It bothers me when people throw out a perfectly good piece of paper or a plastic water bottle.  It bothers me that I see these things happening and I’m the only one aware.
We always remember that economically, leaving the lights on or the water running is a waste, but it takes a minute to remember that it burns our precious fossil fuels which contributes to the ozone layer that is growing in the atmosphere or that leaving bottles or trash on the ground can lead to pollution of our actually precious and slowly diminishing water supply.
The economical mindset sometimes helps the cause, but it mostly hurts it. So be aware and make other aware of this. Sometimes the little things are the ones that lead to great disasters. 


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